This magazine is a space for discussions.
Please reach to us if you wish to expose injustice and exploitation.
Tell us how we can protect the remaining green areas from rampant development.
Share your views on how Malta could become a country where equality and human well-being are prioritised over profit.
We are committed to put our ideas to practice. Be part of the project—contribute!
We regret to inform that the was project officially suspended on 22nd May 2023.
Din il-pubblikazzjoni hi spazju ћieles gћall-kitba.
Ikkuntatjana jekk tixtieq tesponi u tikkritika l-inġustizzja u l-isfruttament.
Aqsam il-ћsibijiet tiegћek dwar kif nistgћu inћarsu l-ftit spazji ћodor u ћielsa li gћad-fadal mill-iżvilupp. Semma l-ideat tiegћek dwar kif Malta tista` tibqa` pajjiż fejn l-ugwuljanza u l-ġid vera tal-bniedem jiġu qabel il-profitt.
Ejjew inwettqu l-ideat tagћna. Kun parti minn dan il-proġett int ukoll.