The IotL Magazine (Isles of the Left) is a contribution to the public debate on the changes Malta is experiencing at the moment and their social consequences.
We firmly believe that the perspectives of equality, solidarity and justice are not properly represented in public discourse. The past few years might truly have been the best of all times for a number of Maltese citizens. However, such a bliss is not being shared equally between all the inhabitants of Malta and this is indeed a problem.
We are committed to give voice to
those whose opinion is often dismissed,
those who found themselves on the losing side of the booming economy,
those who believe that human dignity and mutual respect are worth more than commercial success,
those who are not willing to exchange the few remaining open spaces for more construction for the sake of economy which serves the select few.
We seek to consider these issues from a left-wing perspective, which is not how they are frequently considered in most mainstream and even some pseudo-radical media and fora.
Finally, we are not associated with any political party because no party currently stands for what we believe in.
Make yourself heard—join us!
Isles of the Left, December 2, 2017.
The IotL Magazine (Gżejjer tax-Xellug) hi rivista elettronika li jipprova joħloq dibattitu marbut dwar il-bidliet li għaddejha minnhom Malta bħal issa u dwar il-konsegwenzi li dawn il-bidliet qed ikollhom. Is-sit jgħati lok għal tħammim fuq din il-qagħda li hu ispirat mill-valuti tal-ugwaljanza, is-solidarjieta` u l-ġustizzja. Dan l-aħħar snin tassew setgħu kienu l-aqwa żmien għal numru ta’ Malta. Madankllu, mhux kulħadd daq mill-ġid u l-prosperita` li qed jinħolqu. Jidrilna li din hi problema gravi. Qed noffru dan l-ispazju minħabba li nemmnu li kitbiet magħġuna minn dawn il-valuri mhux qed jingћataw spazju xieraq fil-medja ewlenija u f’fora oћra.
Isles of the Left ġie mwaqqaf biex jgħati leħen:
lil dawk li l-ħsieb tagħhom hu spiss maħnuq,
lil dawk li qed ibatu minkejja li l-ekonomija qed tikber dejjer aktar,
lil dawk li jemmnu li r-rispett reċiproku u d-dinjita` umana huma aktar importanti mis-suċċess fis-suq,
lil dawk li mhux lesti ipartu l-ftit spazji ħielsa mill-bini li baqa’ ma’ ‘żvilupp’ li qed iħaxxen biss il-but ta’ minoranza.
Is-sit jipprova jħares lejn dawn il-fenomeni u lejn oħrajn minn lenti xellugija—perspettiva li normalent ma tantx tingħata spazju.
Isles of the Left mhu marbut ma ebda partit politiku, anke għax nemmnu li bħal issa l-ebda partit politiku ma jirrapreżenta dak li nemmnu fih.
Semma leħnek int ukoll. Ingħaqad magħna!
Isles of the Left, 2 ta ‘Diċembru 2017.