Just imagine!..
by Raisa Galea
Image: Pixabay, modified
[dropcap]J[/dropcap]ust imagine: One fine morning you wake up to the news of an unexpected late night visit of an extraterrestrial mission which had abducted ALL politicians from both major political parties. What a shocking loss! “No, wait”, you tell yourself once the initial shock is over, “that’s the best thing that happened to Malta since St. Paul’s shipwreck”.
You are enviously picturing how freely the former officials (and un-officials) are speeding through the Universe towards Kepler-442b while you are stuck in traffic on your way to work. You stare at the sky once more before another question hits your mind like an asteroid: “Who on Earth am I going to vote for?!” Do not panic! Well, although this sudden and refreshing anarchy is nothing to be worried about, you’d better make up your mind on where your interests belong.
The political vacuum left by this event will soon be filled by new parties. Can’t decide which one stands for what you believe in? Here is a quiz: choose the options with which you agree most and find out which newly established party would represent you best.
[wp_quiz id=”3307″]
Who said ‘St. Paul’s shipwreck’ was a good thing?
Great quiz, but the English is quite bad!