Below is the full text of the open letter to the government of Malta from activists and engaged citizens.
Image by Moviment Graffitti
[For an EN version, scroll down]
Lill-Kabinett tal-Gvern tar-Repubblika ta’ Malta
Aħna, firmatarji ta’ din l-ittra, persuni u organizzazzjonijiet li ġejjin minn oqsma u realtajiet differenti, u li lkoll nidentifikaw ma’ valuri Soċjalisti, xellugin jew progressivi, qed nippreżentaw din l-ittra fid-dawl tas-sitwazzjoni preżenti fil-pajjiż.
Ninsabu ċerti li hawn numru sostanzjali ta’ persuni li jidentifikaw max-xellug u li jinsabu mgħaddba għas-sitwazzjoni preżenti; nemmnu li l-għadab tagħhom għandu jasal b’mod miftuħ u mingħajr kantunieri. Wasalna f’punt fejn m’għadux biżżejjed id-diskors dwar it-tkabbir ekonomiku; il-poplu jixtieq ġustizzja, politika nadifa, u standards ta’ governanza denji.
Filwaqt li nilqgħu ir-riżenji, nifhmu wkoll li dawn mhumiex is-soluzzjoni aħħarija għall-problemi li qed jiffaċċjaw il-pajjiż u l-Gvern. Għalkemm nirrikonoxxu r-riformi li saru fejn jidħlu d-drittijiet ċivili u d-diversi miżuri soċjali li wettaq il-Gvern Laburista, ninnutaw ukoll li l-klassi tan-negozjanti kisbet poter bla preċedent fuq il-politika, b’effetti li jinħassu fuq il-poplu b’mod dirett. Eżempji ta’ dan huma l-balliju assolut fil-qasam tal-ippjanar, il-privatizzazzjoni ta’ parti mis-servizzi essenzjali tas-saħħa, il-privatizzazzjoni tal-enerġija, u t-telf ta’ art pubblika għal proġetti ta’ spekulazzjoni bħal dawk tal-ITS-dB, l-AUM f’Bormla u ż-Żonqor, u proġetti oħra simili ppjanati madwar Malta. Nemmnu li għandhom jiġu investigati immedjatament u possibilment revokati dawn il-privatizzazzjonijiet.
Fl-isfond ta’ dan kollu, qed naraw ċerti inugwaljanzi soċjali jikbru, l-isfruttament tal-ħaddiema f’bosta setturi u t-tisħiħ inkwetanti ta’ retorika tal-lemin estrem li jsib il-kawża ta’ dan kollu mhux fil-politiċi, fil-korruzzjoni, u fl-inugwaljanzi, iżda fil-ħaddiema barranin.
Huwa essenzjali għal pajjiżna li l-Partit Laburista inaddaf il-ħmieġ li ħallew membri tal-klassi tan-negozjanti bir-relazzjoni indiċenti tagħhom ma’ membri ta’ dan il-Gvern. Kif jaf kulħadd, hawn ħafna każijiet fejn xi negozjant jew ieħor ħass li għandu d-dritt jikser il-liġi qisu xejn m’hu xejn.
Huwa wkoll ċar li l-qafas istituzzjonali ta’ pajjiżna mhuwiex qed jaħdem kif suppost u n-nies għandhom dubji serji u leġittimi dwar is-serjetà u l-indipendenza tal-istituzzjonijiet ta’ pajjiżna. Għalhekk, qed niltolbu riforma kostituzzjonali immirata li toħloq istituzzjonijiet ħielsa mill-ktajjen tal-partiġġjaniżmu politiku u mill-indħil ta’ min għandu saħħa politika jew ekonomika.
Filwaqt li nitolbu anke aħna l-ġustizzja għall-assassinju u għall-istejjer ta’ korruzzjoni, nitolbu wkoll li, bis-sobrjetà li jitlob il-każ, il-Gvern jikkunsidra l-għeruq xellugin tiegħu, u jwaqqaf il-liġi tal-ġungla fejn min għandu l-flus iħoss li huwa ogħla mil-liġi.
Cabinet of Government of the Republic of Malta
We, the signatories of this letter, individuals and organisations coming from diverse backgrounds and social realities, and who all embrace and identify with Socialist, leftist or progressive values, are presenting this letter in light of the current situation in our country.
We feel certain that there is a considerable number of people who identify with the Left and are outraged by the current situation; we believe our outrage should be conveyed openly and bluntly. We find ourselves at a point where talk of economic growth is no longer enough; the people want justice, clean politics, and standards of governance that we all deserve.
Whilst welcoming the resignations, we are aware that these are not the ultimate solution to the problems the country and the Government are facing. Acknowledging the reforms done with regard to civil rights and the several social measures carried out by the Labour Government, we also note that the business class has gained unprecedented power over politics, with resulting effects that are felt directly by the people. Examples include the absolute free-for-all in the planning sector, the privatisation of parts of the essential health services, the privatisation of the energy sector, and the loss of public land to speculative projects such as the ITS-dB, the AUM in Bormla and Żonqor, and other similar projects planned around Malta. We also believe that these privatisations should be investigated and possibly revoked.
In this context we are seeing growing social inequalities, the exploitation of workers in several sectors and the worrying strengthening of far right rhetoric which identifies the cause of all this not with politicians, corruption, and inequalities, but with foreign workers.
It is essential for our country that the Labour Party cleans up the mess left behind by members of the business class as a result of their improper relationship with members of this Government. As we all know, there are many cases of some businessperson or other deciding they have the right to break the law without fear of consequences.
It is also clear that our institutional framework is not functioning properly and that the people are nurturing serious and legitimate doubts about the seriousness and independence of the institutions in our country. Thus, we demand a constitutional reform that aims to create institutions free from the shackles of partisan politics and from the influence of those wielding political or economic power.
While we too call for justice with regard to the Caruana Galizia assassination and the endless saga of corruption which has plagued our country, we also request, keeping in mind the seriousness of this case, that Government considers its leftist roots, and brings an end to the law of the jungle where some of those who are privileged to be wealthy seem to consider themselves to be above the law.
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