Utopia means an actual, public-political organisation of living together, a democratic approach to human life, to production and care, collaboration and research, interaction and creativity, learning and questioning, community and individuality, participation as well as withdrawal.
The reality of dead babies might be too much to swallow, and indifference to dead babies might strike a guilty chord or two. Thus, to free public conscience from sorrow and compassion for the dead children, a new story was injected in the media: The picture of the dead babies was staged. [Read more…] about The Tragedy of Drowned Baby Dolls
The left should stop focusing on what is wrong in our system and start focusing on a vision of the future that is positive, hopeful and even fun. The left has so many things to offer that people want, such as free healthcare, free education, research and innovation to improve people’s lives and reduce their labour hours and enhance work-life balance.
Jędrzej Niklas of the London School of Economics talks to Bartłomiej Kozek about how algorithms can perpetuate discrimination and argues that they should not be left in the hands of IT people. [Read more…] about Technology is No Guarantee of Equality
Fi żmien il-valur tal-flus sar importanti ħafna, xi drabi sfortunatament iżjed mis-saħħa tal-ħaddiem anke minħabba is-siegħat twal ta’ ħidma li l-ħaddiem ikollu jaħdem biex jgħix ħajja komda.