If You Wish to Make Malta a Better Place, Don’t Whine—Act on the Causes!
Without a clear understanding of what underpins the challenges that Malta is facing, it’s highly unlikely we’ll solve any of them. [Read more…] about If You Wish to Make Malta a Better Place, Don’t Whine—Act on the Causes!
Saħħa Mentali u x-Xogħol
Fi żmien il-valur tal-flus sar importanti ħafna, xi drabi sfortunatament iżjed mis-saħħa tal-ħaddiem anke minħabba is-siegħat twal ta’ ħidma li l-ħaddiem ikollu jaħdem biex jgħix ħajja komda.
The Fate of Migrant Boats is the Fate of Europe
Had a humanitarian vessel been a luxury yacht with extra communitarian multi-millionaires, the Maltese ports would not only be flung open but would be providing them with all the necessary paperwork to turn them into Maltese citizens.
[Read more…] about The Fate of Migrant Boats is the Fate of Europe