Open Letter: Clean Politics, Just Society / Ittra Miftuħa: Politika Nadifa, Soċjetà Ġusta
Below is the full text of the open letter to the government of Malta from activists and engaged citizens. [Read more…] about Open Letter: Clean Politics, Just Society / Ittra Miftuħa: Politika Nadifa, Soċjetà Ġusta
Like a Grain of Sand: Exposing Disempowerment of Ordinary People
Written by Salvatore Arena and Massimo Barilla, “Like a grain of sand—Giuseppe Gulotta, story of an innocent” tells the story of Giuseppe attempting to give justice to a life nearly entirely taken away for dreadful reasons.
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National Holiday Is Not for the Workers
Is the worker free to choose whether to work on a holiday or not? Is it truly a free choice? And if a worker feels the need to work on a holiday to earn double instead of taking a day off, what does this suggest about the cost of living?
Il-Kelma Mitkellma: Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta
Iddur fejn iddur mal-kelma festival, jew ma’ kwalunkwe tip ta’ festival, dejjem hemm ċelebrazzjoni ta’ ħajja. Il-letteratura tirrappreżenta l-ħajja permezz tal-kliem, għalhekk hija maħluqa għal ġo festival.
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