Standing Up for the Environment: Are We Doing It Right?
‘Environmentalism’ is about our wellbeing and living well together. Hence, rather than some abstract moral obligation that only ‘the better’ of us are able to uphold, environmentalism is about recognizing our common interests and acting upon them.
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Il-Kelma Mitkellma: Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta
Iddur fejn iddur mal-kelma festival, jew ma’ kwalunkwe tip ta’ festival, dejjem hemm ċelebrazzjoni ta’ ħajja. Il-letteratura tirrappreżenta l-ħajja permezz tal-kliem, għalhekk hija maħluqa għal ġo festival.
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[LISTEN] Discussing Abortion: on the Limits of Choice, Individualism and Protecting the Vulnerable
Raisa Galea, Andrea Dibben and David Zammit reflect on the abortion debate in Malta.
Remembering Paul Clough: the Man, Anthropologist and Public Intellectual
Good bye, Paul. You remain in the thoughts, memories and deeds of all of those whom you challenged and inspired.
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