How Dockyard Workers Stood Up for Peace
On the 23rd June 1988, Dockyard workers blocked access to the Grand Harbour, so as not to allow in the aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal. The Ark Royal had to divert its route and enter Saint Paul’s Bay. [Read more…] about How Dockyard Workers Stood Up for Peace
If You Wish to Make Malta a Better Place, Don’t Whine—Act on the Causes!
Without a clear understanding of what underpins the challenges that Malta is facing, it’s highly unlikely we’ll solve any of them. [Read more…] about If You Wish to Make Malta a Better Place, Don’t Whine—Act on the Causes!
Saħħa Mentali u x-Xogħol
Fi żmien il-valur tal-flus sar importanti ħafna, xi drabi sfortunatament iżjed mis-saħħa tal-ħaddiem anke minħabba is-siegħat twal ta’ ħidma li l-ħaddiem ikollu jaħdem biex jgħix ħajja komda.
The Fate of Migrant Boats is the Fate of Europe
Had a humanitarian vessel been a luxury yacht with extra communitarian multi-millionaires, the Maltese ports would not only be flung open but would be providing them with all the necessary paperwork to turn them into Maltese citizens.
[Read more…] about The Fate of Migrant Boats is the Fate of Europe