Malta’s tax regime is not a matter of competition between Maltese and foreigners. The true bone of contention here is between moneyed elites and ordinary citizens. In fact, Maltese ‘patriotism’ is a shield that protects financial interests of elites, both foreign and Maltese. [Read more…] about How Maltese Patriotism Guards the Interests of Foreign Elites
After the election – after nasty rumours spread by ‘traitors’ began to percolate – the Prime Minister himself paid a visit to the steel ship in the hopes of tamping down any fears about Malta’s uprightness and viability that the iGaming people may have had.
What does it mean to be “in your place”? Perhaps, we can discern the fear of migrants by understanding how and why the society designates a specific place for each of us.
How could it be that a nation of ‘ambivalent Europeans’, which is hostile to migrants, can carve out pockets of compassion and kindness towards stray cats? [Read more…] about We All Need a Home
Solidarity and community organising enabled festa enthusiasts to curb development of open spaces for a number of times. But how long will community spirit safeguard the remaining open space, if the popularity of festa declines?