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Trid issir ġustizzja anki meta l-ħuta tkun kbira. Anzi, iktar ma tkun kbira l-ħuta iktar irridu nippretendu mingħandha livell għoli ta’ trasparenza, ta’ dover, ta’ responsabbiltà. Nemmen li kulħadd irid jerfa’ r-responsabbiltà kbira u żgħira tiegħu.
Għaxart ijiem
Open Letter: Clean Politics, Just Society / Ittra Miftuħa: Politika Nadifa, Soċjetà Ġusta
Below is the full text of the open letter to the government of Malta from activists and engaged citizens. [Read more…] about Open Letter: Clean Politics, Just Society / Ittra Miftuħa: Politika Nadifa, Soċjetà Ġusta
Daphne Caruana Galizia’s Polarised Legacy: Hero Abroad, an Enemy at Home
To grasp the reasons for the immense disparity between Daphne Caruana Galizia’s international fame and her formally ostracized status in Malta, we should begin by understanding how her legacy is perceived outside of Malta and nationally.
[Read more…] about Daphne Caruana Galizia’s Polarised Legacy: Hero Abroad, an Enemy at Home